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Saturday 26 May 2012


 Excitement, razzle, dazzle, we have cat show magic. Fiona did very well for her first show with 3 finals, especially considering she was as shy and upset as I've ever seen her. Oh, and so very warm.
A big thanks to the golden triangle cat club for being such wonderful show hosts, Nancy Grandison entry clerk extraordinaire for helping us get signed up correctly, and  all the marvelous judges who juggled our girl and liked her in spite of her stage fright. 

Saturday 19 May 2012

Super victory over paperwork!

Yesterday, in the hour I had between errands, I managed to defeat the many headed form beast. Now Fiona is all registered with the C.F.A. In one week's time we give her a bath, help her to look mmmmmarvelous, (natural for her, so it should be easy!) and we will have a cat show princess. That's as long as she can pose as pretty in a judges ring as she does in the laundry basket.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Life and art (or at least TV) collide

Anyone looking at our cattery name will guess that we are Big Bang Theory fans. In the The Zazzy Substitution Sheldon gets a cat, Robert Oppenheimer. The whole Manhattan project in feline form is soon gathered, along with Zazzles, who's just so Zazzy. The strange part for me is that I found out an early RagaMuffin from the Encore cattery was named Pizzicato Pizzazz, affectionately called Zazzie. When his stud days were done, he retired to Texas.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

On the flip side

Fiona seems to have worked things out. Gloriana likely needs a little more time to get used to them.